
Current Series

Famous Last Words

40 Days of Prayer

Pastor Tom talks about prayer, it's purpose and the weapons of our warfare.


Pastor Anthony talks about having a thankful heart and to appreciate what we have. 

ABC;s of Our Faith

Pastor Tom talks about getting back to basics in the ABC's of Our Faith.

The Case for Christ

In this two week series Pastor Tom presents the evidence for the Case for Christ.

My Story

Pastor Tom begins a new series called My Story and how to prepare your testimony and share it with others.

The Ghost

Pastor Tom begins a series on the Holy Ghost and the gifts we receive from him.


A five week study on the book of Philippians.

Faith At Home

We want to help people live out their faith at home, work and wherever they go! 



© 2025 Redemption Rock Church   |   3 Hager Park Road, Westminster, MA US 01473